The Homeland’s Forgotten People

“The Homeland’s Forgotten People”

          A Nation within a Nation, We are considered lost,

But easily found are We, and a little pride would be all its cost,

          America the Proud and the Beautiful, they want you to see,

But much is a different story found upon its History,

          They tell you of the Glory; from Sea to Shining Sea,

But America founded on Death; it swims in Past Misery,

          A Land claimed to be founded by Those that are not from Us,

America the Land Survived plenty, but none were named Columbus,

          Some say we should be revered but we ask only Peace,

But Slandered throughout history, and given small land to Lease,

          America says Respect Others, but to Us they give not a Damn,

Even to its Capital Washington, We are but a Redskin Man,

          They chose to tell Us laws and manners They do not Respect,

And They hope They can leave Us behind, because all Others seem to Forget,

          This is true to an extent, but Most have just chosen to Neglect,

They say a Simple Trail of Tears is all it was in Retrospect,

          But Generations of Pain will not be eased with a Neglectful Smile,

Especially when Its Capital chants its Slur, the name that is so Vile,

          And all Our complaints are met with a False Truth of Lie’s Denial,

They say They want to end Racism, but in Fact It’s Their Capital’s Style,

          They say there was a Dream, but clearly We have been Left Out,

And Ignored are Our Complaints, no matter how We Shout,

          We, My Native People, stand Firm in all Doubt,

Is this Truly What America will have Us tell Our Kids, THIS IS ALL AMERICA IS ABOUT?


By: Carlos ‘Los’ Lightsey

Free verse

Trapped in a mind of sin,

Got me asking how Lord can I win,

How can I get past me,

And look for the way you want me to be,

I just don’t understand how,

And at times I swear it’s got me down,

But you tell me lift that head up,

Because you got me; you never get fed up,

But the devil out here trying to get me with the set-up,

And he just waiting like a voice box; cause you know I’m going to hiccup,

But you are there to help me hold my breath,

You tell me; you got me in the life after death,

But these burdens I swear they way down on my chest,

I need more strength to study this so I can pass the test,

I want that grade; I need that A,

I need your help; I need your Grace,

So here I am; Here I pray,

Hoping here in my heart; you will stay,

So forgive me for my past transgressions,

I know this seems like an obsession,

Or maybe it seems like just another session,

But in truth this is my faults my confession,

I am weak without you,

I will break without you,

My future is bleak without you,

I can’t get on that winning streak without you,

So here I am on the platform,

And this voice box is getting a little warm,

I’m ready to try and scream your name,

I don’t seek riches, glory in life, or even fame,

All I want is the truth of your words,

Anything else seems to much, too absurd,

So in a since I digress,

This is my passion of Christ address,

So take me below that water and let your blood run through my veins,

Because I want the best, I am tired of the same.


Help ST. JUDES needs YOU!!!!

Hey if anyone would like to help us with this cause hit me up.


We are looking for team members and groups to start new teams. There are prizes that teams and individuals can get and win. Also there is a big prize for the college that raises the most money. any help you can provide is good. No help is to small.


Thank You,


Carlos ‘Los’ Lightsey


Message me if you want more info. or if you would like one of our representatives to come speak at one of your meetings.

Quotes of Will Rogers

Lol funny quotes with a little truth behind them

Spec Bowers

  • Be thankful we’re not getting all the government we’re paying for.
  • Everything is changing. People are taking their comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.
  • I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
  • This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.
  • The short memories of the American voters is what keeps our politicians in office.
  • The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected.
  • The more you observe politics, the more you’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other.
  • Lord, the money we do spend on Government and it’s not one bit better than the government we got for one-third the money twenty years ago.
  • This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it. That we have carried…

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Fact # 15 About Me- What being a Lightsey Means:

What being a Lightsey Means:

L eadership
I ntelligence
G enerous
H elpful
T ruthfulness
S acrifice
E ngineering
Y ou

Leadership: Being a leader but knowing when to follow.

Intelligence: Learning new ways to be better at all aspects of life while accepting criticism.

Generous: Showing a smile to the world and using good manners.

Helpful: Lending a hand to those in need.

Truthfulness: Being truthful and honoring your promises and your word.

Sacrifice: Giving up a little to achieve more and being smart about your life. Ex: if you can’t afford a Benz buy a cheap car good on gas, why go in debt over a car that is no better than the cheap car when you are only buying the name. Use your head and budget your life.

Engineering: Be creative and build something useful with your life or make your life useful. Immortality is achieved on through doing something worth remembering because we all will pass one day.

You: And finally be you in everything you do. If you can’t be you then you can’t be anybody. Adding a little bit of yourself into everything you do makes it unique. We don’t need duplicates.


Side Note: This is actually good stuff for everyone to follow. I try to do my best at everyone of these. This is how my name wraps into my personality how does yours?