What Is Music?

music is sounds that soothe the soul,
it doesn’t matter whether you’re young or old,
or whether you are a woman or a man,
it’s something we turn to when no one else seems to understand,
we turn to it when we’re happy or sad,
or even if we’re angry or mad,
we turn to it when we feel hurt or full of pain,
when things change or if they stay the same,
when we feel lost and can’t find our way,
or even when we just need something to help calm our spirit when we pray,
it’s actually funny how music seems to make things go away,
and how it soothes the soul, so we can make it through another day,
it is something that we all truely cherish,
so much that it is even played for us after we perish,
this is to ease the pain of the loved-ones we’ve left behind,
and to give them a song to remember us by,
and maybe, just maybe someday soon,
You’ll hear a sound ,a song, or just a little tune,
that will send you away someday , but hopefully not too soon,
and leave behind a memory for those you love who love you too.